Thursday, November 17, 2011

Today I am Thankful for... Friends

(Side note: These are some pretty random photos! If you don't see yourself... then we need to get together soon and catch up! :0) )

I have always felt that I have been pretty blessed by the people that have been in my life. Some I've known since we were kids others I've only known a few years. Some people I've been close with for a long time, some I was close with a long time ago, but not so much now. Some I know from elementary school through high school, some I met in college, some at work, and some through other friends. Some are similar to me in my likes and beliefs while others couldn't be more different, but we've perhaps bonded over something else.

A quick look at my Facebook friend's list shows me a list of people from my past and present. All of whom have had some impact on my life, whether it be fingerprint or a footprint. I have memories of great times and strong bonds and I am thankful for each and every one of you for helping shape who I am today.

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