Yet another Pinterest find (there will be many, I promise :0) ) This one is for homemade fingerpaints! Brilliant, right? Kids are quick to put everything in their mouths (except for the real food you want them to eat, which takes careful and precise scrutiny before they even consider taking a bite). The recipe is simple and quick and lots of fun. I don't know how long it is good for, but I would imagine it would have a decent shelf life. And it uses up those baby food jars you don't want to get rid of but never really find a good use for them.
Sorry the pictures are sideways again. Apparently this is a weird thing with Blogger. Hopefully they will fix it soon.
1. Gather all your ingredients. 3 Tablespoons sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup cornstarch, 2 cups water.
2. Mix all the ingredients in a small saucepan over medium heat until thick. This doesn't take long, so don't go far.
3. Pour into containers. I just did each jar one spoon at a time until I was out, so they would be even. Then just add your food coloring and mix until well blended. I just used one of JJ's baby spoons because they fit so nicely into the jar. Ta-da! Homemade finger paint!
4. Set it up and let your little one have at it!
This originally came from the following site: (which is a great blog to check out when you have to poke around!)
Happy Crafting!!
Peasant Bread
11 years ago
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