Sunday, December 30, 2012

We finally announced! And I'm super sick...

Well, we finally told our families on Thanksgiving. That was the hardest part, I think, keeping it a secret from my mom and dad. Then we put a picture of the ultra sound on our Christmas card as our big announcement and told all our friends on Facebook (because we all know nothing is official until it is posted on Facebook, right?)

We did all this announcing at the beginning of December. We've since had another ultrasound and the doctor has changed our due date to June 24 because I was measuring bigger. So that means it is highly likely that I will be spending my birthday (June 26) in labor. I'm not big on sharing my birthday (except for with Alison because she was born before me and she's pretty awesome), but I think if I have to share it with my baby, it will be worth it. What a great birthday present! (That doesn't mean you don't have to get me something, dear hubby!)

Just before Christmas, JJ started coughing a lot. Turns out he has bronchitis. Then right after Christmas, I got a cold. A really bad one. I was completely out of commission on Thursday and yesterday and even now I'm writing this in my jammies laying on the couch, where I've been since yesterday. On the plus side I'm writing from super cool purple laptop I got for Christmas!!

Being sick when you are pregnant is the worst because you can't really do anything about it. There are very few medications you can take and I'm not a big eater when I'm sick so I feel like I'm not eating enough for my baby. I'm trying and I'm taking my prenatals, but it is something I do worry about. I slept on the couch all night because 1) I didn't want to get my husband sick and 2) if I had a rough night, I didn't want to keep him up tossing and turning. I will say I feel much better this morning though. I'm still pretty congested and my throat is sore, but I don't feel like I'm dying anymore which is a really good thing.  I'm being very cautious with this pregnancy and trying to follow all the rules as strictly as possible. Last night I did give in and take a Benedryl because it is on my doctor's list of approved medications for congestion. I may or may not take another one tonight, we'll see, but I'm probably going to get some nasal spray because that is also on the list and I've had success with that before (not pregnant).

My next doctor's appointment isn't until December 7 but hopefully it will come soon and I can get some peace of mind that my baby is still OK. I can't help but be paranoid.

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