I have been hijacked by pregnancy hormones, and I gotta say, they are making me moody! One minute I'm fine and the next minute I am just so annoyed by every. little. thing. I don't think I was like this when I was pregnant with JJ, but then again, my husband might remember differently (so do me a favor and don't ask him...)
"Do you want to watch [NCIS, How I Met Your Mother?, New Girl, Once Upon A Time or any of the many, many other shows] on our DVR?" my husband says, innocently.
"Yeah, whatever," I say, complete with eye roll, even though I love the show and of course want to watch it. Apparently just him asking is an annoyance I never saw coming.
But heaven forbid he just pick a show and start watching it; my crazy hormonal induced self would throw an eye-roll at that too. Doesn't he know I have a specific show I want to watch at that particular moment in time? And it is not whatever he just picked, regardless of what it is? Can't Parks and Rec or Modern Family just be on all the time? I want to laugh! Or The Good Wife. It is such good drama! Edge of your seat type stuff! Why isn't that on all the time? And what happened to The Office? It isn't funny anymore and that annoys me too. I don't have time for mediocre TV. And sometimes I just want to watch Friends even though I've seen each episode at least 100 times and it is always on some channel or another, except when stupid Roseanne is on and I do not want to watch that. Dear TV executives I've never met, I'm annoyed by you too.
But it isn't just my poor unsuspecting husband (who really doesn't annoy me as much as my hormones would like me to believe). Much of my job is dealing with other people and I just have no patience right now for people's complaints (especially if they aren't really bad) and overall dumbness. And I could tell you some real doozies of work related stories. But for the sake of my job, I have to keep my mouth shut instead of telling others to shut theirs and keep it to myself.
Until I get home and take it out on my poor husband. And the dog. Sometimes he annoys me too.
But what annoys me today may not annoy me tomorrow. Or an hour from now. So it's anyone's guess, really. Good luck to you all and I hope to be back to my normal, less-crazy/bipolar self sometime after June 24.
Peasant Bread
11 years ago
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