Sunday, January 1, 2012


"Success is not a goal, it's a byproduct." - Coach Taylor (Kyle Chandler), Friday Night Lights

When I first heard this quote on FNL, I loved it! I think it is such a great way to look at how you do things in life. Doing things gradually and following the right steps will get you to the end result. Set small, manageable expectations for yourself and you'll not only be happier, but you probably won't feel like giving up when things deviate from the plan even just a little bit.

That being said, here is my list of resolutions. I don't normally do this, but I'm thinking if it share it online, there is a bit of accountability I can expect! :0)

- Work out everyday or as often as I can. Somedays it won't happen and I can't get myself down for that.

- Try to eat a bit healthier. This is hard because 1) I love to cook and I don't like to limit myself. At least I know cooking meals at home allows me to control all the ingredients and know exactly what is going into our food. 2) I like to snack. My goal this year is to maybe snack a little less. With food, it's all about portion control.

-----> hopefully with those two resolutions, I can get healthier and more in shape. A nice side effect should be a little weight loss and clothes fitting a bit better. I always get so frustrated when I pick a weight loss goal and it seems to take so long to get there. This year I'm trying a new approach and hoping to form good habits.

- do more crafts because I enjoy them, including expanding my sewing skills and learning how to crochet.
- do more life-enriching reading, whether that's a devotion or a biography or a short essay. We have a lot to learn from other people and hearing about the great things God can do in our lives and through our lives
- do more things for other people
- make cleaning and organizing my house a continual habit rather than a to-do list that I feel burdened my when I let it get too long.
- leisurely build up my product stock for my side business so when I am invited to a show/boutique or have the opportunity to do a show/boutique I can do it without stressing about getting things done.
- follow through on more date nights with the hubby. We are both so busy it is easy to forget about each other.
- spend more time doing things outside the house with JJ
- find an agent and hopefully a publisher for my book and get a running start on a second one.

I hope you all have a great and blessed 2012!!

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